We all know it. Most of us have been through it fully. It doesn't work well and it annoys me.
For a start, from the age of 4 to 18, we're educated with outdated, industrial-style methods.
But what are these "indusrial-style methods" you may ask? Well, they're staring you right in your face.
All of these factors culminate into what is overall a horrible start for anyone who wants to get anywhere in life, or do something different.
Like me for example. My dream is to make music for a living. I know I'm not made for a 9-5, but our education system does absolutely nothing to support people like me.
Realistically, the vast majority of things we learn in school are absolutely useless once we finish.
We learn through fact retention, from reading a book over and over again, the entire time we spend at school is developing this skill.
Yet we still don't learn the most important things in life. How do taxes work? How do I vote and how do I know who to vote for?
How do I find and apply for jobs? How do I pursue higher-paying careers, or how do I budget with a lower paying but more enjoyable job?